We Told You SoAs a result of the Oslo Accords, we said they would attack us from anyplace we withdrew from.We said that missiles would be fired on Ashkelon from Gaza, and allthe leftist, delusionary peace seekers, claimed that we wereterrifying the public and now, ‘Gush Dan’ (greater Tel Aviv) isunder fire.We warned that retreating from Gush Katif would strengthen ourenemies, but government and security officials responded arrogantlythat, on the contrary withdrawal would increase security.We warned that abandoning the ‘Philadelphia Corridor’ at theEgypt-Gaza border would lead to the flow of weapons and missiles intothe Gaza Strip, and they said there were agreements with thePalestinians and Egyptians that nothing would trickle in from Sinai toGaza. And lo and behold, for years, a constant supply of missiles andother weapons have streamed into Gaza through Sinai.We said that retreating would bring Hamas to power, and they argued on the contrary, it would strengthen the P.L.O.We said that if, after the withdrawal, we have to fight them, it wouldbe much more difficult; we would have to fight in urban areas, and oursituation in the eyes of the world would be much more problematic.They argued the exact opposite if after retreat the Arabs open fireon us, we will be able to strike them relentlessly.We asked: “But they will shoot missiles from civilian homes?” Theyanswered, condescendingly: “First of all, they don’t have missiles.Secondly, if they do fire a missile, we’ll destroy the houses fromwhich they are fired.” And now, when they constantly fire missiles, itturns out that from the world’s perspective, there is absolutely nolegitimization to bomb inhabited houses.Israeli MediaIf the mainstream Israeli media were honest, they would broadcast thetaped recordings of all the leaders responsible for the Oslo Accordsand the retreat from Gaza, so everyone could hear their foolishpromises, and realize just how distorted their ability to correctlyanalyze the situation is.If the media were honest, they would demand that all those whosupported retreat apologize before the Israeli people for what theycaused, and disappear from the public arena. Instead, the media invitethem into the studio, allowing them to talk freely, as if nothingterrible was done on their part, and they still deserve to beconsidered “experts”.No matter how much we criticize the Israeli media establishment, itwill still fall short of the harsh criticism it truly deserves.Alienation from Their People and HeritageThe only explanation for this painful phenomenon is that the centralfigures in the media establishment are alienated from their people andheritage. True, they do not dare speak badly about IDF soldiers, orresidents of the southern and central areas who are being attacked.But in their hearts, they embrace the “just” position of the enemy,hoping that if we accept the enemies’ claims that this land belongs tothem, the Arabs will then be ready to accept Israel’s existence withinthe borders of the so-called Green Line.Consequently, they believe there is no solution other than providing a“political horizon” for the Arabs, in other words continuedwithdrawals. Any opposing position, relying on our right to all of‘Eretz Yisrael’ (Land of Israel), appears groundless to them, becausethey deny its moral foundation.What drives them to Believe in Delusions of “Peace?”It is generally believed that religious people are less realistic,because they rely more on their faith than on an objective analysis ofreality, whereas people lacking faith are able to analyze a situationobjectively, and as a result, their short-term assessments are moreaccurate.Yet here we have a situation where precisely those who are faithful toTorah, the nation, and the land assess the situation accurately,whereas the unbelievers are mistaken in their delusions and falsehopes which repeatedly blow-up in all our faces.The explanation for this is that they are no less religiouslycommitted to a form of idol worship. Their god is called ‘Peace Now’or ‘human rights’. This is exactly the sin of idolatry taking onevalue and worshipping it, without giving consideration to balance withother values.In contrast, Jewish faith is careful to state that God is exaltedabove all definition, for He is beyond all values, and all of them areincluded within Him. God desired to grant merit to Israel, and gavethem Torah and mitzvoth with the aim of teaching them to balancevalues. The leftists, who are alienated from their Jewish heritage,are searching for a god who will give hope and meaning to their lives.Many of them previously believed in communism, and embittered thelives of many people. Today, they believe in ‘Peace Now’, and bringall these troubles upon us.A Gradual AwakeningFortunately, a process of awakening is taking place among the public.Many people are already aware of the appalling bias of the leftist“experts” and the media, and of their alienation to their people andhomeland. Many understand that their “analytical interpretations” aremerely a type of ‘entertainment’, whose connection to reality andlogic is flimsy.In order to advance this welcome process although doing so hasbecome boring and annoying we must reiterate, over and over again,the guilt of the leftists. We must repeat “we told you so” over andover, and continue to spread the videos of their stupid remarks on thesocial networks.Besheva and Arutz Sheva ReadersSome might ask: “What good is it writing such things in the nationalreligious Besheva newspaper? Shouldn’t we try to get them published inother media outlets?”It certainly is important to publish such articles for the widerpublic. However, it is more important to resolve and define issuesamong the right, because they are the ones who can bring about change.People aware of the appalling situation of leftist “experts” and themedia establishment, can lead the necessary change. If they forcefullydemand change in the media, justice system, and academic research,which has shamefully inclined to the left in a gradual process, mostof the people that support our position, will join in the call.The Long-Term SolutionIn the long-term, the only solution to the security situation is torestore Israeli control over the Gaza Strip. We must return to thesituation we were in twenty years ago, but this time, with the clearconviction that this land belongs to the Jewish nation, we havereturned to the land after two thousand years of exile, and we willnever abandon it. Any Arab, who wants to treat us with dignity andrespect, can live an honorable life. Anyone who wants to fight? Wewill fight him with all our might.To achieve this, we need to strengthen Israeli consciousnesssignificantly. It could be that even without proper strengthening, thesecurity situation will force us to return to complete militarycontrol in the Gaza Strip, just as the army controls Judea and Samariatoday. But even then, without a profound exploration of Israel’sdestiny, there will never be quiet.Currently Proposed SolutionsThe problem is that in the present situation, the citizens of Israellack the moral courage to restore our control of the Gaza Strip, andwe are left with the question of how to deter the enemy frombombarding our cities for the time being.In an attempt to offer a solution, we must first review thesuggestions that have already been placed on the table.Let’s return to the position of the leftist “sages” and the militaryleaders who lick their boots. Before the withdrawal from southernLebanon and the Gaza Strip, they declared that if after retreatingthey continue to bombard us, we will set southern Lebanon on fire,bomb the Gaza Strip relentlessly, and the entire world will identifywith us.As we know these words are meaningless. It doesn’t matter nowwhether their statements were said out of stupidity or willfully inorder to throw sand in the eyes of innocent Jews. In practice, had welistened to them, we would have paid an unbearably harsh priceinternationally.Currently, the leftist “sages” advocated a halt to the operation inGaza, and granting the Arabs a “political horizon” by returning tonegotiations with Abbas. If this weren’t so sad, it would be funny.How can negotiations with Abbas, who is hated by Hamas, curb theshelling from Gaza?! On the contrary! To show us who really is incontrol, they will shell us even more! And how could they possiblyimagine that if another Palestinian state were established, inaddition to the one they already have in Gaza, it would not fall intothe hands of Hamas, who seek the destruction of the State of Israel?If we listen to them, the problems they have caused us so far will beParadise compared to the hell that awaits us.There are some defense-oriented people who suggest sending troops intothe Gaza Strip, striking the terrorists, and then retreating. Theproblem is, the price we are liable to pay for this, in the life ofsoldiers, and international criticism, is not worth the damage done tothe terrorists, which at best will result in a short-term deterrence.A Change in Aerial Bombing PolicyThe most plausible solution is to increase the bombardment from theair, in three directions: towards houses and property, towards theterrorist leaders, and towards the supply of arms.We must announce that from now on, for every mortar shell they fire atus, we will destroy at least one house. For every primitive missilethey fire, we will destroy five houses. For an advanced missile, tenhouses. And for the most advanced missiles dozens of houses. So theythemselves can fulfill They can then fulfill the Arabic curse “yourhouse should be destroyed”.If they damage our economy by shutting down the south, they mustsuffer twice as much. To avoid harming their citizens, we will have togive advance notice of the time and place of the bombing, so they canflee.Houses intended for destruction should, of course, start with thehomes of terrorist leaders and their surrounding neighborhood forour Sages said,“woe to the wicked, and woe to his neighbor.” To winthis battle, such bombings might suffice. Of course, we will meet withhypocritical condemnation from the U.N., but not enough to causelong-term damage.We will have to return to the policy of targeted killings. The problemwith targeted killings began after the assassination of the massmurderer, Salah Shehadeh, about ten years ago. In that operation,fourteen other people were killed, including his family members andneighbors.Afterwards,the left launched a publicity campaign in Israel andthroughout the world against the IDF They demanded that the commandersresponsible be brought to trial. They also petitioned the High Court.True, the judges did not dare harm the commanders themselves; but withshocking irresponsibility, they caused the defense establishment tochange the procedures.Since then, it is extremely difficult to strike at terrorists. Theyknow that as long as they are in the presence of their family theirlives are guaranteed. If we don’t want to endanger the lives of oursoldiers through land operations, it is necessary to announce thatfrom now on, we will also assassinate terrorists in the company oftheir families. Indeed, we will attempt to strike only the terrorists,but the proximity of civilians will not prevent us from taking actionagainst them.In order for there to be no doubts about it, and for the deterrenceof this policy to be complete, it is necessary to provide backing forthis position through lawyers, to announce it publicly, and if needbe, even to pass a law in the Knesset.And most crucial, army intelligence invariably knows when weapons aresmuggled into the Gaza Strip. Every such supply convoy must beshelled.
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